
The Best Things in Life are Free!

Hey, internet world – Mike over at MZ here!

Between the craziness (and awesomeness) of the Thanksgiving holiday and a recent blizzard that dumped almost 10 inches of snow in Chicago a few weeks ago, it has definitely been a while since we last shared a new blog post.  Now that we’ve all slept off our turkey-induced comas and thawed out from the snow, I thought it was time to share that next blog post.  In this post, I want to share some insight into building a powerful sponsorship kit!

We talk with a ton of event producers on a daily basis, and from those conversations, one constant topic always bubbles up – the sponsorship kit.  When we ask to see the existing sponsorship kit, most don’t even have one, or the kit they are currently using could really use some love!  So we sat down as a team and thought, is there a way we can share our knowledge of sponsorship proposals on a larger scale?  What came out of that brainstorm was an idea for a free guide on building a powerful sponsorship proposal.  It is one of the most important tools for our team when selling, as it is one of the first pieces of information that a brand or agency will request when evaluating sponsorship opportunities.  (FYI – if you want to download our free guide, visit our site and download a copy for free!)

I won’t spoil too much, but this is a nice step-by-step guide to really understanding what is important to include in a sponsorship deck.  From basic information about the event to in-depth demographics and potential opportunities, a sponsorship kit gives those interested very high-level information in preparation for that first initial call.

So I encourage you to check it out.  Download the guide for free!  I hope it gives you some good insight into what you should include when building out your next sponsorship kit.  Our team has also built a lot of these for our clients, and if it’s something that you need a little extra help on, just let us know.

We hope you find value in the guide, and look forward to chatting with you!   If you need help with your next sponsorship kit, feel free to give us a shout!




The Best Things in Life are Free!


​Alrighty, so second blog post! Last week we talked about who we are as a company and how Mile Zero got started. This week we’re going to talk about sponsorships.  Our team lives and breathes sponsorship on a daily basis and we love talking about them to whoever will listen!  More specifically, we will give some insight at a high level into what they are and why they are important to any event or festival.

Sponsorships: what are they?
At the core, sponsorships can be financial, in-trade or simply product support.  There has to be some give and take here between the sponsor and the event.  These must be mutually beneficial relationships for both the sponsor and the event producer in order to be successful.  Brands look to align themselves with high-quality, well-produced events that align with the brand’s goals and marketing strategies.  Let’s not overlook that brands that sponsor events can also help enhance the overall experience of the event through their activations on-site.

Why are they important?
Sponsorships are important for a number of reasons. For starters, they are important because sponsorship revenues can help offset costs of the event or festival. Sponsorships can also enhance the overall experience of the event as well. Take a food and beverage festival for example; the first thing you might think of as an attendee is walking around the festival sampling different foods and drinking. Now, let’s align this event with a sponsor that would seamlessly fit in (specifically a sponsor that aligns with this type of festival like Barefoot Wine) who creates custom experiences that engage attendees.  This sponsorship is not only a seamless category fit for this type of event but also gives attendees a curated experience while the brand is able to talk with and educate event attendees about their product in a seamless fashion.  Overall, it’s a win-win situation for the brand and the event.

What we want you to know about sponsorship.
When producing an event it can be easy to overlook sponsorships.  As event producers, we are busy with day-to-day planning and the overall logistics of the event, but it’s important to be mindful and understand how vital sponsorships can ultimately be.  Additional revenue from sponsorships can allow to grow areas of the event (talent, food, marketing, festival experiences, etc.) and help increase the overall experience for your festival attendee.

If you think you might need some help with sponsorship or just want to chat about your overall sponsorship business, give us a shout.  We would love to discuss our process and can talk about ways that Mile Zero can help grow your event sponsorships.

Until next time,
